N-Rattle on the Stovepipe C- A- T- S-124 K-D B-4/4 F- H-chorus: D A7 D D A7 D M-1D-9 E-0 F-9 G-0 a-4 a-4 G-4 E-4 E-4 D-4 D-9 E-0 F-9 G-0 a-4 a-4 G-4 E-4 D-2 L- Rat- tle on the stove- pipe, boot- jack, Jew's- harp, Rat- tle on the stove- pipe, boot- jack, Joe! H- D A7 D D A7 D M-4D-9 E-0 F-9 G-0 a-4 a-4 G-4 E-4 E-4 D-4 D-9 E-0 F-9 G-0 a-4 a-4 G-4 E-4 D-2 L- Rat- tle on the stove- pipe, boot- jack, Jew's- harp, Rat- tle on the stove- pipe, boot- jack, Joe! H-verse: Am Bm Em Am Bm Em M-1a-4 b-4 c%4 a-4 d-4 d-4 b-4 G-4 a-4 b-4 c%4 a-4 d-4 b-4 G-2 L- She was kis- sing, I was wi- shing, Didn't know what she was a- bout; H- Am D G Am D M-4a-4 b-4 c%4 a-4 d-4 d-4 b-4 G-4 c%4 b-4 a-4 G-4 E-4 D-4 D-2 S-6 L- Robbed me of my gold and sil- ver, Then she kicked me, threw me out.