N-Pat Malloy C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-4/4 F- H- M-1@-8 S-6 @-8 C-8 C-9 D-0 E-8 a-8 G-9 G-0 a-0 G-9 C-9 D-0 E-5 E-8 D-8 C-8 A-0 E-9 D-9 C-0 A-8 D-8 D-9 E-0 D-9 E-0 D-5 S-6 L- At six-teen years of age I was My mo-ther's fair-haired boy, She kept a lit-tle huck-ster shop, Her name it was Mal-loy. H- M-5@-8 S-6 @-8 C-8 C-8 D-8 E-8 a-8 G-9 G-0 a-8 G-8 C-9 D-0 E-5 E-8 D-8 C-8 A-8 @-8 @-9 C-0 C-8 C-8 B-0_F-9 E-9 D-0 C-5 S-6 L-"I've thir-teen child-ren, Pat," she said "Which heav'n to me has sent, But chil-dren ain't like pigs, you know, they can't pay the rent H- M-5E-8 S-6 E-8 a-8 E-8 E-8 E-0 E-9_E-8 E-8 E-9 D-0 C-8 B-8 A-5 A-8 A-8 B-8 C-8 D-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 F#8 G-8 D-8 D-0 F#9 G-5 S-6 L- She gave me ev-'ry shil-ling There was wi-thin the till, And kissed me fif-ty times or more, As if she'd ne-ver fill, H- M-5G-8 S-6 @-0 A-9 B-8 C-8 D-8 E-8 F-9 F#0 a-8 G-8 C-9 D-0 E-5 E-8 D-8 C-8 A-9 @-0 @-8 C-8 a-9 G-0 G-8 E-8 D-9 E-0 C-5 S-6 S-6 L- "Oh, hea- ven bless you, Pat," says she,"and don't for-get, me boy. Ould Ire-land is your coun-try and your name is Pat Mal-loy.