N-Mighty Mississippi C- A- T- S-178 K-F B-2/2 F- H- M-1a-2 c-2 a-2 F-2 G-4 F-4 G-4 a-4 G-2 D-2 L- Way out in the Mis- sis- sip- pi val- ley, H- M-4E-2 F-2 G-2_G-4 E-8_D-8 C-2 b-2 a-1 L- just a- mong the plains so grand, H- M-4a-2 c-2 a-2 F-2 G-4 F-4 G-4 a-4 G-2 D-2 L- Flows the flood- ed Mis- sis- sip- pi Riv- er H- M-4E-2 F-2 G-2_G-4 E-8_D-8 C-2 G-2 F-1 S-6 L- De- stroy- ing the works of man.