N-Boys will be Boys C- A-Leon Rosselson T- S-100 K-G B-4/4 F- H- Chorus: M-4D-4 D-9 E-0 D-4_D-8 G-0 a-0 b-8 G-8 c-8 b-8 a-8 D-8 R-8 D-8 D-4 a-8 b-8 c-4 a-8 c-8 b-0 G-9_G-2 R-4 L- Boys will be boys It's a fact of hu-man na-ture. And girls will grow up to be mo- thers. H- Verse: M-4D-8 D-8 G-0 a-9 b-8 G-8 R-4 c-8 b-8 a-8 G-8 G-0 E-9 R-4 D-8 D-8 a-8 b-8 c-8 a-8 R-4 D-0 D-9 c-8 b-8 b-2 L- Look at lit-tle Pe- ter. Is-n't he a ter-ror? Shoot-ing all the neigh-bors with his cow-boy gun. H- M-4D-8 D-8 G-9 a-0 b-8 G-8 R-4 c-8 b-8 a-0 G-9 G-8 E-8 R-4 D-8 D-8 a-9 b-0 c-8 a-8 R-4 d-0 d-9 a-9 G-0 G-4 B-9 C-0 L- Scream-ing like a jet plane, Al-ways throw-ing some-thing, I just can't con-trol him. Trou-ble, he's the one, Ah, but