N-Because He was Only a Tramp C- A- T- S-160 K-E B-3/4 F-Long Steel Rail page 347 H-8 M-1B-8 B-8 S-6 G-2 E-8 E-8 a-5 a-8 c-4 b-8 b-5 b-4 G-2 B-4 E-5 G-8 b-4 L- I'm a man bro-ken down with-out cre- dit or cash, My clothes are all H- M-5b-5 a-8 G-4 F-3 R-2 B-8 B-8 G-2 E-4 a-5 a-8 c-4 L- rag- ged and torn; Not a friend have I in this H- M-6b-2 b-4 G-2 b-4 b-4 F-4 G-4 a-8 D-5 D-4 W-2 E-3 W-3 R-2 S-6 S-6 L- drea- ry world, I wish I had ne- ver been born.