I Met a Man Wha Speer'd at Me 1. I met a man wha speer'd at me, Grow there berries in the sea? I answered him by speering again, Is there skate on Clochnaben? 2. There was a hielandman axed at me, What, grows there berries into the sea? As I could answer him again, What, grows there skate upon Cloch-na-ben? ________________________________________________________ (1) Chambers PRS 1847; MacLennan SNR (1909), 18; Nicht at Eenie (1932), 28. (2) Paul, Past & Present of Aberdeenshire (1881), 158 (no. 33). awak'd it forc'd her to weep;he dreaming lay, and thought her and references. Clochnaben is a hill in Aberdeenshire. This may be a floater, turning up in versions of "I Once Loved a Lass". MS OCT98
Thanks to Mudcat for the Digital Tradition!